Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Policy

At Happy Hatching Mind, I consider the welfare of the children and vulnerable adults as paramount.  I have a duty to provide a safe environment and am committed to this.

I have a current enhanced DBS check for both children and vulnerable adults and am registered with the update service, this means both my DBS are checked against the barred lists on a weekly basis and a full recheck is completed every 9 months.

In order to provide safety, protection and security to children & vulnerable adults throughout my work, I aim to:

     My full safeguarding children policy and safeguarding vulnerable adults policy can be downloaded by clicking the underlined titles.

Adults Safeguarding Team

 Tel: 01582 547730

Tel: 01582 547563


Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Tel: 01582 547653
Out of Hours: 0300 3008123

In the event of an emergency, I will call 999